Gallery Opening for Photographer Julius S. Kassovic
Penn Camera 18th Street
Thursday April 15th
3pm to 6pm
Julius Kassovic’s day-job is with the Peace Corps, which has taken him to exotic locales around the world and given him wonderful opportunities for photography. But over the past four years, and in all seasons, he has been concentrating on finding and photographing ephemeral beauty in the little urban stream that runs near his house in Takoma Park and Silver Spring. His series, Reflected Glories, are photos of the reflections of trees in the waters of Sligo Creek – not as simple mirrors or distortions, but as explorations of the interplay of light and the movement of water. These photos are three dimensional, showing the reflections of trees and leaves and sky on moving or frozen water, the action of moving waters themselves, of leaves moving through the water, and of the creek bottom. Complementing this is his series Footloose, which can best be described as micro-landscapes of the leaves reflected in and floating in and about the creek. As all photographers know, our art is all about light. These photos are all about finding nature’s own ephemeral light shows.
A sampling of the images you will see at his gallery this Thursday:

Would you like to host your own Gallery at Penn? Highlight and exhibit your, or your student's finest artwork with a Gallery at a Penn Camera store. High School students, College students, Amateurs & Professionals welcomed. Email us for information.