Gallery Opening for Photographer Al Teich
Penn Camera Rockville
March 26th
7pm until 9pm
In his day job, Al Teich is Director of Science & Policy Programs at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the largest multi-disciplinary scientific organization in the world and publisher of the journal, Science. Al regards himself as a serious amateur photographer and an enthusiastic convert to the digital mode. He has been taking pictures since winning a box camera in a jingle contest at the age of ten.
His series of black & white kaleidoscope photographs have been exhibited in one-man shows at the Black & White Gallery in Arlington, VA, in the fall of 2005 at the AAAS Art of Science & Technology Gallery in Washington, DC in the summer of 2006. They were also the subject of an article in The Washington Post in July 2006. Other photographs of his have been included in exhibits at the National Press Club in Washington and the American Folk Art Museum in New York City.
A sampling of the images you will see at his gallery this Friday:

His photos have been published in several books and magazines and may be seen on his web site at
Would you like to host your own Gallery at Penn? Highlight and exhibit your, or your student's finest artwork with a Gallery at a Penn Camera store. High School students, College students, Amateurs & Professionals welcomed. Email us for information.