Gallery Opening for Photographer Art Cole
Penn Camera Fair Lakes
Friday, March 12th
7pm until 9pm
Art Cole is a lifelong native Virginian, with degrees in Commercial and Studio Art from Northern Virginia Community College and George Mason University. In 2000, he purchased his first digital camera, an Olympus 2020z. Using this compact camera, he quickly developed a passion for digital photography. He loved the ease of capturing images on a compact flash card, having the immediate feedback of seeing if the image was a keeper, while you still having access to the photo subject, and finally having the ability to download these images to tweak or enhance them in the digital darkroom of the computer. Digital photography is a fantastic medium in which to learn the art of photography..
A sampling of his work from this exhibition:

In 2002 he was given an opportunity to join a group of digital photographers that lived in the US, Norway, Germany, and Australia to form a digital photography group called Digital Photography Internationale. They did this through an exhibit of their digital images that traveled throughout the United States from 2002-2003. The local exhibit of their work was held at the N.V.C.C. Woodbridge Campus Gallery in August 2003. In 2005, with the help of on-demand publisher Lulu, they worked together to create a table top book of our digital images called, Images to Brighten Our World. Proceeds from the sale of this book went to help the victims of the December 2004 Indonesian Tsunami.
Mr. Cole’s photographs have been the photos of the day on many online photo sites, and have been recognized in many local and national photo and art competitions. This includes a merit award at the First Regional Fine Art Exhibition organized by the Lorton Arts Foundation a few years back. In addition this Art has been published in the Wildlife Refuge Magazine and as well a Fish and Wildlife Calendar.
Currently Mr. Cole uses the Canon EOS 7D although in the past he has had the pleasure of owning and using Olympus and Minolta digital cameras. His choices in subject matter are very eclectic, but his passionate about the challenge of capturing birds in flight.
You can see more of Art’s work at his website,
Would you like to host your own Gallery at Penn? Highlight and exhibit your, or your student's finest artwork with a Gallery at a Penn Camera store. High School students, College students, Amateurs & Professionals welcomed. Email us for information.